
Client discovery, turbocharged.

Fast-track your clients' loan applications and data entry 

A safer and simpler process that makes it so much easier for your clients to complete the Online Fact Find.

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Collects ID and contact info
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Credit check captures liabilities and any red flags
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Connects bank accounts via secure, encrypted portal
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Groups expenses to speed up analysis

SmartData automates ID verification, bank statement collection and credit checks, saving brokers valuable time and effort while ensuring the accuracy and reliability of client information.

The outcome? Save up to three days in lodgement time per application and revolutionise your client experience.

See it for yourself


“SmartData means we're no longer doubling up assets. We don't have to worry about missing liabilities or incorrect financial data, as all of that information is now pre-populated into the fact find and MyCRM. 

This means more of the fact find is already completed before the client starts the journey. The data is more accurate, so we don’t have to spend as much time diagnosing the information and there’s no need to go through bank statements for living expenses.

With SmartData we get documents back faster and make the client’s experience much better.”

Tom Morison

Mortgage broker, Aria Financial

“SmartData is reducing the time to lodgement by 35 per cent, shaving three days off the time to create and lodge a loan. This industry-first technology provides brokers with more accurate and complete financial information, faster, and reduces the time they have to spend manually inputting a client’s data.”

Sam White

Executive Chairman, LMG

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Identity assured

Verifying identity is more secure than ever —your client simply snaps a photo to capture licenses, passports, and Medicare data, and you're all set.

SmartData effortlessly captures bank account details, credit card, liabilities, and expenses. 

Reduction in lodgement time
Source: 2024 LMG SmartData pilot data

Automatic account analysis

Automatically populate cash assets and account numbers to save hours on bank statement analysis with illion BankStatements.

Liabilities listed

Auto-create credit card and loan liabilities, reducing back and forth and ensuring nothing gets forgotten with Equifax Credit Check, highlighting credit notes and red flags in notes.

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Automate document uploads and filing to stop chasing data and start advising and engaging.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What service providers does LMG work with for SmartData?

Whether building your brand or leveraging our Loan Market brand, we have a suite of industry-leading marketing platforms and specialised expertise to help you find and keep more clients.

We’ll help your business get measurable results from online marketing with search engine optimisation (SEO), cost-effective advertising, content and social media marketing.

Take advantage of a custom-built website optimised for your business that is easily editable, compliance-checked and designed to capture leads.

This is a particluar question that we get asked a lot by brokers or customers

Whether building your brand or leveraging our Loan Market brand, we have a suite of industry-leading marketing platforms and specialised expertise to help you find and keep more clients.

We’ll help your business get measurable results from online marketing with search engine optimisation (SEO), cost-effective advertising, content and social media marketing.

Take advantage of a custom-built website optimised for your business that is easily editable, compliance-checked and designed to capture leads.

This is a particluar question that we get asked a lot by brokers or customers

Whether building your brand or leveraging our Loan Market brand, we have a suite of industry-leading marketing platforms and specialised expertise to help you find and keep more clients.

We’ll help your business get measurable results from online marketing with search engine optimisation (SEO), cost-effective advertising, content and social media marketing.

Take advantage of a custom-built website optimised for your business that is easily editable, compliance-checked and designed to capture leads.

This is a particluar question that we get asked a lot by brokers or customers

Whether building your brand or leveraging our Loan Market brand, we have a suite of industry-leading marketing platforms and specialised expertise to help you find and keep more clients.

We’ll help your business get measurable results from online marketing with search engine optimisation (SEO), cost-effective advertising, content and social media marketing.

Take advantage of a custom-built website optimised for your business that is easily editable, compliance-checked and designed to capture leads.

Case Studies

This is an example paragraph where you can talk about whatever you want.
This is an example paragraph where you can talk.

We’ll help you grow your team, streamline your processes and build new revenue streams to create a more profitable business.